HeyCentric ETL.

(Extract, Transform, Load)

Some of the Key Advantages of the HeyCentric ETL Module

Downloading and interpreting payment files can take a hefty chunk out of your morning. ETL is where HeyCentric’s time saving magic shines and it’s included as standard. Automate these time-consuming tasks, and instantly interpret, transform and allocate income files from any line of business or payments system into HeyCentric and into any ERP or finance product enabling live data reporting. We always try to make things easier for you. It removes these labour-intensive time-consuming tasks.

HeyCentric’s unique file transportation solution will retrieve and transport external files from source to the HeyCentric import platform, with multiple file types such as CSV, DAT, TXT (Windows & UNIX), XML and XLSX all being handled seamlessly by the system. This removes the requirement for business users downloading files from multiple sources at the start of the working day.

The HeyCentric file import mechanism will cater for income management files (including settlement files from multiple payment service providers), non-income management files as well as invoices and balances from 3rd party debtor systems.

HeyCentric wants to understand the data being imported. Business users manually allocating income is no longer the reality.  Using HeyCentric’s AI tools means the software receives and segregates income accordingly using pre-defined allocation rule sets and applies machine logic to matching routines. These matching rules are fully configurable by the business user, with significant time having been invested in producing tools that allow users to dictate how income is segregated.

HeyCentric’s API toolkit can easily source data from external systems. If your external systems are able to offer an API / Web Service, HeyCentric can communicate via this method in addition to more traditional methods.

Simply provide external systems with the HeyCentric API’s to ease the integration process. Allow your key external systems to integrate with HeyCentric in real-time to maximise business intelligence.

HeyCentric works with organisations to provide all the necessary tools to ensure that incoming income is understood and automatically allocated, with minimum consultancy being required due to the intuitive nature of our product suite.

We believe that effective, clear and correct income segregation is a basic necessity of any organisation, and the instant visibility of your income provided by the HeyCentric application dramatically reduces an organisation’s unallocated cash position, and is the key to our own personal success.

Once transactions from external sources are imported, understood, and segregated accordingly, the all-important external line of business and / or ERP system updates are required. HeyCentric ETL allows business users to map to the formats required by the external system with ease, eliminating the bottomless consultancy black hole.

Multi-currency / payments are also accepted seamlessly into the HeyCentric application.

The key to any output for an external system is transportation, and HeyCentric transports key export files and data to key systems and business users seamlessly. HeyCentric can output files / data in any external system format, and export formats can be created and saved, with many popular formats supported as standard.

If the external system can offer an API / Web Service, HeyCentric can be configured to communicate with it to allow for real time 2-way data integration.

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